CoCOS - On-line training platform
Andy Stoycheff
Daniel Pérez Ovejero
Daniel Pérez Ovejero
Dino RF
Dries Vanacker
Lennert Holvoet
Liesbeth De Vogelaere
Mariano Sanz Prieto
Mihaela Orozel
Milena Zvancharova
Theodora Dimitrova
Thomas Claeys
Tina Ojsteršek
The subject of this CoCOS project work package is to implement an on line e-Learning platform to be used in project activities. The Platform is based on Moodle: a well known Open Software Learning Management System. This document summarise the platform main characteristics.
CoCOS - On line Training Platform - English (en)
License and disclaimers

Co-creation Using Open Source Methods and Tools

CoCOS - On-line training platform

CoCOS On-line training platform,  March 2019

Ghent | Sofia | Velenje| Madrid |Burgh-Haamstede


Legal Disclaimer

The CoCOS project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


CoCOS is encouraging the free access and use of education-related materials. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)



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1 CoCOS e-Learning Platform

CoCOS Project provides an eLearning platform as support of some Project activities. The platform implements a LMS (Learning Management System) allowing among other functionality, open Access to contents.

This document summarizes the platform architecture and infrastructure and specific content tools included in the setup.

In CoCOS, this eLearning platform supports:

The platform and existing contents will be available after the end of CoCOS project activities.

1.1 Platform Architecture: Moodle

Since CoCOS project start, Moodle was the proposal for the eLearning platform.

Main Moodle characteristics, appropriated for CoCOS needs are:



Some useful links about Moodle follow:


Moodle Architecture:

Moodle is an Open Software Web application based on standards.

1.2 Platform Infrastructure

Moodle CoCOS implementation is based on the following hardware and software:

The server is also shared with the project Web Site and its characteristics are:

The Platform is hosted in Arteveldehogeschool Gent (AHS) IT facilities and with the support of AHS IT staff. Moodle support is provided by JAITEK.

1.3 Moodle Site

CoCOS On-Line Training Platform is available at:

It is also linked from Project Website Main menu, option “E-LEARNING MODULE”:

In our installation we use Moodle 3 with two additional Moodle plugins installed:

Essential is a clean and customizable aspect theme. Essential is tested and tried by thousands of users and ranks number one by site usage for all available third-party themes, up to Moodle version 3.5.

Link to Essential Theme website

During the platform deployment, essential theme was customized with CoCOS colors and logo. 

H5P is a free environment that allows to create, reuse and share interactive resources and activities based on HTML5. The following link brings you to the H5P main website:

Users can create its own H5P resources directly on H5P site but Moodle plugin allows also to create resources directly on Moodle, while being also possible to import/export H5P resources from/to other sources. 

In addition, extra specific configurations made on our Moodle platform for CoCOS project:

The CoCOS Suite has been developed for the project. It is an authoring tool intended to the creation of web resources or “Courses”. It allows an easy sharing between editors, having in this way a good support for co-creation.

Besides, the full courses or part of courses can be published for viewing.

CoCOS Viewer is the part of CoCOS Suite allowing the presentation of material in a red-only mode. It can integrate with other LMS systems via LTI standard (Learning Tools Interoperability), which support the interworking of different platforms in an eLearning environment.

In Moodle we perform the connection with another platform via LTI by using an “External Tool” Activity type. CoCOS Moodle includes the pre-configured “External Tool” for connections with the CoCOS Viewer, in this way it is easier for content creators in Moodle to include CoCOS Suite objects in Moodle courses.

2. CoCOS Contents

This section lists different open contents hosted in CoCOS On-line Training Platform.

2.1 Introduction to Moodle

An open course including some basic Video Tutorials for Moodle. It includes also links to and the Moodle YouTube channel, as a help for Moodle beginners. 

This course is open to guests and it is linked from the banner in the site Front-Page.

2.2 CoCOS Suite integration

Again, a simple open course containing an example of the use of CoCOS Viewer preconfigured “External Tool”. In this case, CoCOS Suite resource linked is a simple manual about the CoCOS Editor. There is also an small explanation about this setup and a link to the CoCOS Editor itself.


The CoCOS MOOC is implemented in Moodle as a Course Category under which each MOOC Module is implemented as a Moodle Course. Whole MOOC is then a set of Moodle courses listed in sequence into the MOOC Moodle Category.

This way free browsing by users is easier.

CoCOS offers MOOC Contents in 5 language versions, being each language a different Moodle Category.

Following capture shows this structure.

Content Tools: H5P

CoCOS MOOC Content has been developed with simple tools, HTML pages, Moodle text Labels, some external embeddings, ….

Most significant tool is H5P. H5P Allows a big number of different interaction types,  but only two types were used for the MOOC: