Who are we?

The Bachelor in Midwifery at the Artevelde University College Ghent educates students to become midwives. Midwives provide medical and other care to mother and child during pregnancy, childbirth and the post-partum period.

At our college we have always had special attention for pregnant women and families who are in a difficult situation. The Province of East Flanders has therefore supported us to set up this website to share our knowledge and experience. Making information about pregnancy easier to find for anyone who lives in Oost-Vlaanderen.

The Artevelde project 'Een buddy bij de wieg' (A buddy near the crib), was developed to help mothers from pregnancy up to the first anniversary of the baby, through a personal buddy system. A buddy helps you to find good care, affordable food and other things you may need when you are expecting. Buddies also support you in difficult times.