Lifelong learning

Programmes for professionals at Artevelde Academy

Continuing education is a must today. As a professional, you want to keep up with the latest developments in your field. Moreover, new phases in your career call for different competencies and knowledge each time. Lifelong learning is, therefore, not a luxury but a necessity for those who want to keep up. Artevelde Academy broadens your knowledge and strengthens you in your current professional practice, whether you opt for long-term training or short-term training. That's how we build a community of curious professionals together.

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Partnerships with Artevelde Academy

Maintaining a good relationship with the professional field is essential. Companies and organisations can come to us for customised training courses. In addition, various collaborations are possible with students, teachers and researchers. For instance, our students are available for internships, workplace learning, projects and events.

Does your organisation need consultancy and advice? Do you have a concrete research question, or are you looking for a partner for a research project? The lecturers, experts and researchers of our various fields of expertise provide optimal guidance and results.