Innovation in the childcare sector

Research theme

Today, childcare is experiencing a lot of pressure. Daycare for babies and toddlers as well as the entire out-of-school childcare are going through big reformations. Our research programme is focussed on finding innovative solutions for challenges in childcare, with the emphasis on the quality of care. From the practice-oriented research, we formulate concrete recommendations and we design tools for practice and policy. Our goal? A strong childcare of quality that gives the children a strong start! 

Innoveren in de kinderopvang

High-quality childcare

What are we researching and for whom?

Childcare is being redesigned. Daycare for babies and toddlers as well as the entire out-of-school childcare are going through many changes. These innovations require innovative answers.  

The daycare for babies and toddlers is getting more and more (political) attention, what generates new developments in every organisation. The childcare organisations need guidance and support in these reformations. Additionally, we are looking for answers to the huge staff shortage. We explore how bridges between childcare and school are an answer to the need for staff that both schools as childcare are experiencing. And we check how the reformation 'early and near' can enforce the childcare as a place where young children can grow.  

Out-of-school care as well is at a turning point, from out-of-school care towards Out of School Care and Recreation (OSCAR), where the direction lies with local authorities. We pioneer through practical research by looking for ways to translate the decree into practice.

Desired outcome

Strengthening childcare, that is the objective. From the practice-oriented research, we formulate concrete recommendations for practice and policy.

Research lines

The research programme Innovation in Childcare knows three main lines which the various researches will fall under: Professionalisation in the daycare for babies and toddlers, perspectives for the childcare sector, and Out of School Care and Recreation in practice. 

Professionalisation in the childcarefor babies and toddlers

Professionalisering kinderopvang

In this research line, we check how pedagogical coaches are being used and what is needed to make their effort successful. Additionally, we look for ways to bridge education and childcare, and how continuity can be an answer to the staff shortage. Finally, we want to pioneer with the sector in how the ‘Early and Near’ story can be an asset to childcare and environment.

Perspectives for the childcare sector

Perspectieven voor de kinderopvang

The childcare sector from 0 to 3 years old is facing big changes, childcare is getting more attention and means, socially as well as politically. How will the sector evolve and organise, so this will lead to more quality in childcare. Additionally, we want to pioneer with the sector in how the ‘Early and Near’ story can be an asset to childcare and environment.

Out of School Care and Recreation (OSCAR) in practice

Visualisatie van buitenschoolse opvang en activiteiten (BOA)

In 2026, the BOA approach will be operational in every city and town. That requires custom answers. How can we support local authorities, education, childcare and leisure time to tackle these challenges with practical organisation models and a talent-oriented, uniting focus on children? What are common collaboration options?

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