The CoCOS project explores the concept and application of co-creation within the educational framework, aimed at addressing the needs of teachers, students, and various stakeholders in the current educational landscape. This project stems from the recognition of a concrete problem: the need for innovative and creative solutions in education to tackle the challenges of our ever-changing world. With this goal in mind, the project seeks to find solutions collaboratively by involving multiple stakeholders in the process.

The rationale behind this project is further rooted in the belief that collective knowledge and creativity can lead to more effective and innovative educational practices. This is emphasised by a quote from the project, which highlights the importance of fostering creativity and innovation among students to succeed in a world full of challenges and opportunities.

An extensive literature review was conducted, which served as the basis for various project outcomes, including the development of a theoretical framework and a methodological approach. This methodology integrates principles of design thinking and the design sprint method to facilitate the development of a co-creative pedagogical strategy, with the aid of multidisciplinary teams.

Outcomes include the development of co-creative educational practices that can be widely implemented, with the ultimate goal of improving the quality of education. In addition, there are written theoretical frameworks and guides, a MOOC, and various testimonials of good practice examples. The societal and scientific value of the project lies in its potential to contribute to knowledge creation and the development of innovative educational methodologies that can adapt to and reflect the complexities of the modern world.

The consortium partners of the CoCOS project (Arteveldehogeschool and Ghent University from Belgium, Ljudska Univerza Velenje from Slovenia, the National Training Centre from Bulgaria, Jaitek Technology and Training from Spain, and ProWork from the Netherlands) involved a wide range of stakeholders in their respective educational contexts, including teachers, students, educational institutions, and partner organisations. Each plays a crucial role in the co-creative process by contributing unique perspectives and expertise to the project's objectives.

Research realisations and publications

Learning guide for educators

Co-creation using open source methods and tools.

pdf 6

Method and resources

For F2F co-creation training.

Studiedag 4


Design sprint i.f.o. developing co-created courses.

vrouwen die op laptop surfen


Effective study materials. Thirteen minimal quality requirements to create effective study materials.

pdf 5


Recap. Conceptual framework.

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