Within child rehabilitation, more and more family-centred work is being done. This means that professionals take into account the concerns and wishes of families, that they work with the parents of the child and empower the families to make their own decisions.

However, research shows that parents of children with multiple disabilities have a different view of what family centered work is or should be than professionals. In addition, the literature indicates that there are barriers on the part of the professionals and in the relationship between parents and professionals, which make it difficult to implement the principles of family centered working in practice.

In this study, we talk to 12 Flemish parents of children with multiple disabilities who regularly come into contact with outpatient child rehabilitation. Through in-depth interviews, we ask parents about how they experience the cooperation with and support from professionals.

Valorisation: development of a fact sheet for professionals

Based on the results of the PWO research project, we are developing a product in this valorization process that is supportive for parents and professionals and can be used directly in practice and education. This product dedicates the participation of children with multiple disabilities and their families.

Research realisations and publications

Fact sheet

Family centered work with children with disabilities. A fact sheet for professionals.

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