In Flanders, there has long been a need for an up-to-date, Flemish test of reading comprehension. We therefore developed the Flemish Test of Reading Comprehension (VTBL). This test measures reading comprehension in children from the first to the sixth grade. 

The test is intended for children with reading, spelling and/or arithmetic problems who are reported to a specialised service. Through a thorough error analysis, a treatment/approach can be individualised. Re-testing after treatment is also possible as a parallel version is available.

For this, children solve multiple-choice questions on narrative texts whose AVI level has been calculated. The test is based on evidence-based principles. A thorough literature study as well as practical experience led to the creation of this instrument. Students standardised the first version of the tests in the light of their undergraduate thesis. The final completion of the test became possible thanks to this PWO project, in which the various tests were reduced to one test battery. Speech therapists, remedial teachers and psychologists from rehabilitation centres, CLBs, private practices and special education use this test battery. 

We also developed a programme to functionally and effectively stimulate reading comprehension skills in primary school and first-year secondary school children.

Research realisations and publications

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One child with dyslexia is not the other... Implications from reading comprehension and spelling research for diagnosis and therapy.

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Cognitive sub-processes of text-level reading comprehension.


Poor comprehensive readers: what do we know about their profile?

pdf 3


Van Vreckem, C., & Desoete, A. (2011). Understanding the Flemish Test of Reading Comprehension better. Kaleidoscope, 23, 31-35.

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