Untreated hearing loss

Figures from residential care centers

In Flanders, there is no systematic hearing screening for residential care residents. For example, a diagnosis is not forthcoming and there is a risk of confusion between hearing loss and dementia (Velghe, 2015).

50% of the hearing impaired do not wear a hearing aid, although this is the lever for communication, social well-being, participation in group activities and self-reliance (Eurotrak, 2017).

80% of the hearing aid fittings are no longer (correctly) used when the user makes the transition to a residential care facility (Renard, 2017).


Untreated hearing loss:

  • has a significant effect on health and quality of life (Besser, 2018);
  • affects  thinking, behavior, social functions (Arlinger, 2003)
  • increases the risk of depression (Li, 2014) and dementia (Thomson, 2017).

Embedding hearing care in residential care centers

Since this lack of follow-up of hearing problems and hearing aids is linked to a lack of expertise and resources, it is important to focus on this (Punch, 2019; Cross, 2021). Hearing care must become a structural part of care in residential care.


We want to ensure a lasting impact when it comes to the quality of life of residents of residential care with a hearing impairment through a three-pronged hearing care:

  1. hearing screening;
  2. screening and follow-up of hearing aid use;
  3. training for healthcare professionals.

This is done within the program by linking the project to the course unit Consulting and Training and bachelor tests.

With the support of the King Baudouin Foundation, we want to further develop this project and seek additional sustainable funding for subsequent academic years.


Structurally embedding this three-part hearing care in the general care and living environment of WZC should give a sustainable boost to the way in which hearing impaired residents participate and integrate into their (new) living environment.

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