Risky play: what and why?

Risky play provides developmental benefits for children. For example, it allows them to better assess risks and deal with them appropriately.

Both in Flanders and abroad, risky play is gaining in importance. Play should be 'as safe as necessary' rather than 'as safe as possible'. The latter rather assumes risk avoidance and minimisation. 

Based on international literature (Sandseter, 2007, 2011), we define risky play as exciting and challenging forms of play that carry a risk of physical injury. 

Shift needed among child supervisors

Given these recent developments, supervisors of toddlers in Flemish group childcare rarely received the appropriate attitudes, knowledge and skills from their training. They often approach risk too one-sidedly from a negative connotation. They lack tools to create an offer in terms of increasing children's risk competence and to support this offer appropriately. 

(International) scientific information exists, but is limitedly converted into practical tools and little accessible to counsellors.

Theory and practice risky play

In this project, we investigate how the scientific insights (appropriate attitudes, knowledge, skills and preconditions for guiding) risky play can be practically translated for supervisors of toddlers in Flemish group care.

Using design research, we develop a practical toolbox. We do this in close cooperation with three day-care centres. Among other things, we have already developed a rotating calendar, with a weekly 'wild Wednesday', which inspires carers about risky play. We will also develop tools to support managers to work on risky play within their team.

On the right, we outline the stages of our design research. 'AC' stands for Advisory Committee, a meeting of our key stakeholders. We distinguished 3 levels of user engagement in the design research: 'mini', 'medi' and 'maxi'.

How do you best support risky play?

Our website and Facebook group will get you started. Have fun and inspiration!

Research realisations and publications


Rotary calendar

RePLAY Rotary calendar. Supporting year-round risky play among toddlers in childcare.

tijdschrift 1

Article in KIDDO

Risky game? Yes! But how?

tijdschrift 2

Article in KIDDO

By trial and error: the what and why of risky play.

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