Internal hotline for transgressive behaviour

Artevelde UAS wants to provide a stimulating and safe learning and working environment, where everyone can develop and where transgressive behaviour is not tolerated. We want to prevent such behaviour as much as possible, but if does occur, we want to deal with it professionally and appropriately. 

zwart-wit foto van een vrouw met een uitgestrekte hand voor haar gezicht

What is transgressive behaviour?

Transgressive behaviour is behaviour that violates personal or general standards, crosses borders and causes harm or is likely to do so. It may concern verbal or physical aggression, bullying, unwanted sexual behaviour or discrimination, for instance based on race, age, or gender. Power abuse is also a form of transgressive behaviour. 

Reporting transgressive behaviour

As a student or staff member, you can report transgressive behaviour to the Internal Hotline for Transgressive Behaviour. The confidential advisor who will treat your complaint is bound by professional confidentiality and works independently. She will give you information, check what kind of support you need, and what further steps can be taken.  

What happens after a complaint of transgressive behaviour


Your complaint of transgressive behaviour will only go to the confidential advisor. After the complaint, the confidential advisor will contact you to make an appointment for a talk, and this within ten calendar days. This talk can take place on one of the UAS campuses or online via Teams. 

Further steps

During this talk, she will listen to you, you will get support, and you will discuss what further steps you wish to take. You may choose to report the transgressive behaviour alone. The confidential advisor can also discuss the problem with another person, whether or not anonymous, for instance with the Head or another person in charge. 

The person who is the subject of the complaint of transgressive behaviour can be addressed by the confidential advisor. It is also possible to start a mediation between you and that person. You can also be transferred for proper support or guidance.

Disciplinary body

The disciplinary body can be informed should a situation occur that poses an immediate risk or if there are several complaints about the same person. The information that is passed on to the disciplinary body may be anonymous. So, it is not necessary to pass on your name. The disciplinary body can take disciplinary measures and/or sanctions against the person involved.

Central Register

All complaints, both of students and staff, are entered in a Central Register. If you want, this can be anonymous. In that register, a dated description of the facts is included, as well as the name of the person whom the report concerns. The confidential advisor has access to this register, as well as the President. The data from the central register are kept for 10 years. 

And afterwards?

Depending on the steps that were taken at your request, further talks can be held, the disciplinary body can investigate the facts, or you can get suitable support. A report on transgressive behaviour is tailor-made, and you are in charge, supported by experts. 

Do you have any further questions, then you can contact the confidential advisor, Griet Pennewaert, at