Podcasts on dyslexia and research around diagnosis in learning disabilities

Health and Care

Recently, Annemie Desoete and Christel Van Vreckem, both researchers and lecturers in speech therapy at Arteveldehogeschool, were guests of Area 45, the podcast platform on speech therapy, for two podcasts.

International Journalism

Recently, Annemie Desoete and Christel Van Vreckem, both researchers and lecturers in speech therapy at Arteveldehogeschool, were guests of Area 45, the podcast platform on speech therapy, for two podcasts.

In the podcast on dyslexia, Christel explained topics such as alarm signals in preschoolers, the importance of transparent communication between child, school, parent and speech therapist, an efficient approach and more.

In the podcast on research around diagnostics in learning disabilities, Annemie and Christel elaborated on topics including the development of tests for secondary education, test quality, KRT-DIGI, what data is important to get from a test and what it takes to develop a test.

Also listen to the other podcasts both teachers collaborated on.